Soft Corner has been at the helm of providing Weekend Homes in the golden Triangle of Maharashtra – MUMBAI – PUNE – NASIK. With the Crown of financial capital of the Country firmly in place for Mumbai, and with the given geographical limitations, the areas surrounding the ‘Money polis’ are gaining in strength from the point of view of the real estate investments.
Soft Corner has gained unique expertise through their systematic approach and has reached a ‘POLE STAR’ status in Weekend Homes. Their forte has been the western coastal region and the Golden Triangle with most remarkable areas on the outskirts of the financial capital of the Country-Mumbai. Although Soft Corner basically markets Weekend home Projects for developers, we are also pioneers in the related fields of consultancy in Weekend Home Projects. We can provide data from our Land banks; provide impeccable consultancy on acquisition of lands for projects in the Golden Triangle. Soft Corner also has Projects on their cards, which are ready for Developers, or for Investors, who want to set foot in the Developers’ paradise.
In the investment sector of Weekend Homes, it is always beneficial if the consultants know the area like the back of their palm and are also well conversant with the rules Governing the transactions in properties. On both these counts, SoftCorner has proved themselves beyond doubt. The security and appreciation for the investors are given their due priority in the fail-safe systems designed and perfected by SoftCorner.
Developed & Managed By Thirsty Maart 2024 | All Rights Reserved